Software Quality Leadership Workshops

We offer a unique and intensive two-day experiental workshop starting or accelerating your journey into leadership. We have designed the workshop for product owners, testers, managers, coaches, facilitators and scrum masters who wants to work seriously with quality. Our ambition is to help you be a catalyst of quality outcomes for customers, users, and stakeholders.

  • Quality is a construct of customer and user values, but how are customer and user values discussed and discovered?
  • How can I communicate quality and quality-risks to stakeholders?
  • Developers write code – how can I coach quality?
  • Testing finds bugs, but can we test quality?
  • How can I create motivation, psychological safety, and trust, and why do these things matter?
  • How can I increase the impact of team events on quality?

If you work in a testing, management, coaching, product owner or similar position and have asked yourself questions like these, then we think this workshop is for you.
The desired outcome of your work is quality and reducing risk for people who matter. You influence others beyond the objective results that you deliver. Join the class to learn how to seed and grow the potential outcomes of your work, and to train your skills leading teams and stakeholders.

Lead (v.): to guide, from Old English lædan: cause to go with oneself; march at the head of, go before as a guide, accompany and show the way; carry on; sprout forth, bring forth; pass (one’s life). From PIE *leit- to go forth.

In this two-day workshop, you will be developing your leadership, coaching, and communication skills. You will explore what quality is and how you can think about it and help others working with it. Based on modern and effective coaching practices you will learn to ask questions and coach others to ask questions to investigate and engage in dialogue with stakeholders and team members about quality. You will learn the difference between inner and outer motivation, and why psychological safety matters in your team.

Quality (n.): from Latin qualitatem a quality, property; nature, state, condition. From PIE root *kwo- which is also a source of Sanskrit kah who, which, Lithuanian kas, Russian kto, Welsh pwy who.

The class is experiential in the sense that you will learn through a combination of lectures, and exploration and experiencing. It is imperative, that you are ready to share your own stories and participate actively in the facilitated activities in the sessions where you and the group will be working with your actual problems. We will create a safe space for sharing and learning.


Day one:

  • Welcome, introduction, practical information.
  • Exercise: Share your context – a visual exercise
  • Lecture: Quality as an ontology of quantity, quality, relation, and ethics
  • Exercise: Reflection on quality in context
  • Lecture: Motivation and leadership of quality outcomes
  • Exercise: Styles of Leadership 
  • Retrospective: Reflection exercise on potential leaning points

Day two:

  • Lecture: Quality, hazards and systems thinking
  • Exercise: Mapping your context, discovering threats to quality
  • Lecture: Dialogue as a means to transform teams, projects, and organizations
  • Exercise: The qualitative conversation and transformation
  • Lecture: Elements of personal leadership
  • Exercise: Personal leadership styles
  • Retrospective: Reflect exercise to identify your own zones of leaning 


Target audience

  • Product Owners
  • Software testers
  • Test Managers
  • QA leads
  • Quality Coaches
  • Other roles in quality, testing, and development

Workshop facilitators

Ole S. Rasmussen: Based in beautiful Jutland, Ole is the founder of the management consultancy, Langer & Rasmussen, where he teams up with several people with untraditional backgrounds – in relation to management. Ole is a seasoned Manager and Management consultant bridging the private and the public sector. Ole is assistant professor at Copenhagen Business School Executive program, working with Prof. Phil. Ole Fogh Kirkeby. He also teaches at University College Lillebælt, at the Diploma in Leadership program.
Twitter: @OleSRasmussen
Anders Dinsen: Based in Copenhagen, Anders is a highly experienced free-lance test manager and quality analyst on business-critical projects. Anders is passionate about leadership and coaching, and organizational learning to bridge business and user safety, technology, and organization in diverse contexts. Anders is an experienced leader, trainer, facilitator, conference chair and award winning speaker.
Twitter: @andersdinsen

When, where, and pricing

We offer the workshop to professional organizations and companies based on interest.
Duration: 2 days
Number of participants: 6 to 12
Pricing: 80.000 DKK
Please enter your details in the contact form if you are interested in the workshop.
[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”E-mail” type=”email” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Title/position” type=”text” /][contact-field label=”Please inform us about any particular interests you have in the workshop” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]